Free Backup4all Lite 4.3!

2009-12-17_210525Backup4all is a commercial file backup software. It comes it four flavors, Backup4all Lite, Backup4all Standard, Backup4all Professional, and Backup4all Portable. Here is a chart comparing the feature differences between all four versions:


Backup4all Lite (v4.3) is the flavor that is being given away for free. If you want more detailed information on Backup4all Lite or want my opinion of it, feel free to read the full review on Backup4all Lite I wrote back in February.

To get Backup4all Lite (v4.3) for free, follow these simple directions:

Version being given out for free: v4.3

Free updates available: Unspecified

Supported OS: Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003/Vista/Server 2008/Win7

Download size: 18.8 MB

  • Visit the promotion page and click on “Try now” to download Backup4all Lite:


  • Install Backup4all Lite.
  • After installation, the registration page will open in your default browser window. Register:


  • Check the inbox of the e-mail you used to register. There should be an e-mail from “Backup4all <>” with the subject of “Backup4all Lite Registration Key”. In the e-mail you will find your registration information:


Copy the registration key and take note of the fact you must enter “Creativemark” as the registration name when registering the software.

  • Run Backup4all Lite and and register it:




  • Enjoy!

If you have any trouble getting Backup4all Lite for free, post below and I will try to help.

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