How to stream videos and play them as audio in the background [Tip]

In a previous post, you’ve learned a way to play YouTube videos in the background on your Android phone. However, what if you want something a bit different like streaming videos from YouTube, Dailymotion and other video apps and then play them as audio in the background? It’s a very good option especially if the video that you’re loading only consists of full album tracks. You can also use the app to play those one-hour long videos for meditational and relaxing sounds.

So if you still don’t know how to do it, then here’s how.

How to stream videos and play them as audio in the background

  • First, download and install the “AudioPocket” app on your Android device. It works on both Android smartphones and tablets running on Android 4.1 and up.
  • Once the AudioPocket app has been successfully installed, just launch or open the video app that you want. For this guide, we will be using the YouTube app as an example but this app will also work on other video apps like Vimeo and Dailymotion.
  • Moving on, just open or launch the YouTube app on your device and then search for any video that you want to load.
  • Select the video to play it and then press the “Share” button.

AudioPocket for Android b

  • On the sharing options, select “AudioPocket Stream” and that’s it. The video that you loaded will be automatically be played in the background as an audio. You can pause or stop it any time. Just go to your notification area to see its playback controls.

AudioPocket for Android

  • Of course, that’s not all. You can also use AudioPocket for playing video playlists. The process is all the same. The said app also provides a queue function so you can just add up new videos to your now playing list.

It’s that simple.

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