How to make responsive websites load faster [Tip]

Responsive Web DesignPeople really get frustrated with slow websites and are always trying to make responsive websites load faster. The time taken to load a website depends upon many factors. If you are a designer who is trying to build a good website, then you have to ensure that your website performs well both on a PC computer as well as on a tablet or mobile phone. There are many ways to make responsive websites load faster. By following these techniques, a person can make sure that websites loads faster without any performance delay.

What is a Responsive Website?

A responsive website is an approach used by a designer to make a website perform well on all devices. Through a responsive website, the aim is to provide a website with an optimal viewing experience. A website should be designed with minimum panning, resizing and scrolling. A website is built using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and flexible grids so that it behaves correctly in all devices.

Steps to Make Responsive Websites Load Faster

  1. Simple Design: Most of the websites take time to load images, style sheets, Flash etc. The best way to make responsive websites load faster is to use a simple design for your website. You should focus on using CSS images. Combining multiple style sheets into one single sheet can improve the performance of the website.
  2. Reducing Server Response time: The design should focus on reducing the server response time to 200 milliseconds.
  3. Enable Compression: You should understand that larger pages take time to download. Compression is the best way to reduce the loading time and to make responsive websites load faster. Gzip tool is used for compression. Web servers use Gzip to compress files before sending them to download and thereby improve the loading speed.
  4. By enabling web Cache: To make responsive websites load faster, enabling web cache is a good option. When a user visits a responsive web site, it saves the different elements of the website in cache. So, the next time when they visit the same website, it will load faster. Therefore, enabling web cache property is a good way to make responsive websites load faster.
  5. Minimum Code: For optimum performance, your website should contain minimum code. Unnecessary code should be avoided and removed to make your website faster.
  6. Image Optimization: When using images on your website remember to focus on these three points: a) Size of the image b) Format of the image and c) SRC attribute. The focus should be on using smaller size images for your website. Larger images take more time to load. An image should be saved in the correct format so that it does not take time to download. Color depth should be reduced to the lowest level possible. Saving images in JPEG format is the best option. You should use the right code for supporting your images so that it downloads faster without any delays.
  7. Use CSS for styling: User should make sure the website uses CSS styling.
  8. Reduce the number of plug-ins: A good website should make sure it uses few plug-ins. Having many plug-ins can cause security issues and reduce the performance of the website.


By considering the above techniques you can definitely improve the performance of your website and help to make responsive websites load faster. This will make for better web experience and happier viewers. 

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