How to downgrade a Cydia Tweak [Tip]

Cydia updateWe all know about downgrading our firmware and software update manually for the times there is no jailbreak available for the iOS updates we upgraded to earlier, but did you know you can downgrade a Jailbreak tweak, too? Sometimes we prefer older versions of the same tweak because it’s less ‘buggy’ than the new version or it has the features we prefer using. Here’s how to do that:


  • You need to jailbreak your device. The current jailbreaking options for iOS 4 include PP Jailbreak and TaiG.
  • You need to have the Cydia installer option, check if you are using a guide that doesn’t come with Cydia automatically. Additionally, it must be Cydia version 1.1.23 — it’s the latest version of Cydia that enables the cool new downgrading feature.


1. Launch the Cydia app.

2. Browse the tweak you wish to downgrade.

3. Select the tweak so it’s on the display.

4. Choose the ‘modify’ option on the top right side of the display.

5. You’ll now be greeted with three different options. Choose the ‘downgrading’ option from the list.

6. Cydia will automatically take over from this time and proceed to downgrade the package.

Now that you know all about downgrading, there should be no stopping you from installing heaps or tweaks out there for the latest iOS 8.4 software update that is currently available for a fully untethered jailbreak.

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