Increase productivity and screen size with nSpaces’ virtual desktops [Windows]

What would you say if I told you I could give you three new monitors… for free? Though it’s not exactly the same thing, nSpaces certainly helps give you more space for windows using the idea of virtual desktops.

If you’re a Linux or Mac OS X user, you probably already know all about virtual desktops. They essentially allow you to have a number of virtual screens that your physical screen opens up onto. You can then slide between them as you see fit.

nSpace allows you to jump between desktops with both keyboard shortcuts and the system tray icon. You can customize each desktop differently, which is handy if you’re trying to cordon off one particular desktop for one particular activity (just set a background relevant to the activity).

nSpace is a great virtual desktop program. There are other alternatives out there, but nSpace is probably one of the easiest to use and most customizable ones of them all. It’s a great help for anyone who feels cramped on their tiny little laptop screen, or simply feels the need for more screen space.

Price: Free!

Version Discovered: v1.3.0

Supported OS: Windows 

Download size: 228KB

VirusTotal malware scan results: 0/42

Portability: Requires installation

nSpaces homepage

[via Windows.Appstorm]

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