[Windows] Quickly jot down notes with NoteClip

Making notes can sometimes be a time-consuming thing to do. For those of you who make lots of notes, you may want to consider using NoteClip. This is a program that actually gives you many different ways to make quick, easy-to-read notes. Just start up this program and start dragging, pasting, and using hotkeys to make your notes.


Main Functionality

In short, NoteClip is a program that makes creating notes easier. Although it is limited to this function, it does it very well. The great thing about NoteClip is the fact that you can use a lot of different methods to create your notes. The program also gives you the ability to organize your notes into any group or sub-group you want.


  • Offers full drag and drop note creation
  • Set up hot keys to make creating notes even easier
  • Allows you to make limitless amounts of groups and sub-groups to store your notes
  • Users can use NoteClip’s lock function to protect their notes
  • Very user-friendly


  • Unless you make a LOT of notes, this program is likely not needed


Are you someone who is always making little notes when you’re on the computer? I know I am! That is why I was pleased when I came across NoteClip. This is a program that actually makes note-taking a lot easier. With all of the different input methods NoteClip provides, you will be able to make quick notes about anything you’re looking at online.

The thing I love about NoteClip is all of the features it provides. I was pretty impressed to learn all of the features that come with this free software. The most impressive is, of course, all of the different input methods you can use to create notes. It supports drag and drop operations, hot keys, copy and paste, as well as good old fashion manual effort. Of course, if you’re going to choose that last option, you really don’t need this program.

NoteClip also makes it easy to organize all of those notes you just took. You have the ability to create as many groups and sub-groups as you can possibly come up with. Now you can store business notes in different folders than your personnel notes to keep things nice and organized.

I also found it very helpful that the program came with a lock function. As you may have been able to guess by the name, this is a feature that helps you protect the notes you don’t want others to read. So even if you share your computer with another user, you can lock them out of notes you don’t want them to read without having to block them from the program altogether.

NoteClip does allow you to apply a ton of different skins. Although this is purely cosmetic, it is a nice feature. This goes double if you’re someone who will have this program open most of the time you are on the computer.


I found myself really enjoying what NoteClip had to offer. However, I am someone who takes a lot of notes while I am on the computer. If you just surf the web for fun or don’t like jotting down quick notes about things you find, this program is not going to help you in the least.

Price: Free

Version reviewed: 2.58

Supported OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7

Download size: 4.37

VirusTotal malware scan results: 0/44

Is it portable? No

NoteClip homepage

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