Master Chief vs Captain America [Video]
The bullshit is strong with this one!
The bullshit is strong with this one!
$100 says this movie is going to suck. Come on, put down your money -- challenge me, cowards.
Trust me, if all else fails, use duct tape. It never fails, it will never fail. Zombies invade? Duct tape. Aliens attack? Duct tape. Ashraf foaming at the mouth? Duct tape.
Believe me, this place is calm and cool. Across the road, there's a cane field.
The last great monument of France is this piece of metal.
Question, are you an early or late adopter of Bitcoin?
Game of Thrones is coming up, which means some jerk book readers will be free to spoil all the important parts.
This image is quite splendid. To imagine this happened 50 million years ago, wowza!
Would you live at a place like this despite the obvious dangers?
Notice how most of these games are available on iOS. Sad, very sad.
I find this quite ugly. What do you think about it?
Explaining Bitcoin is similar to explaining the Big Bang: confusing and senseless.
There's always one of these guys in a group of friends. Such assholes they are.
If you’re like most people, explaining what exactly Bitcoin is from the top of your head isn’t an easy thing to do. Sometimes, people don’t even explain it correctly! Conan seems to be tired of that, so he enlist...
Do you like waves and sunset? Then this wallpaper is rushing right up your alley. (See what I did there?)