Terrific photo of Mt Hood looks almost like it was painted [Wallpaper]
This wallpaper may look like a painting, but it isn't -- it is a photo and the colors you see are completely natural.
This wallpaper may look like a painting, but it isn't -- it is a photo and the colors you see are completely natural.
Once you see these photos, you will never be able to watch Bambi the same way again.
That is the view from the Rakin Kotka island in the eastern Gulf of Finland.
I wonder why a sunset can be naturally purple. Regardless, this is an awesome wallpaper.
See the photo to understand why some may consider this to be an alien.
No, not literally. Rather, sunset rays reflecting on the clouds create for an amazing scene.
I believe the title of this post is fairly self-explanatory.
Mechanical gears were first made by humans, that’s what we thought up until a pair of biologists from the University of Cambridge in the U.K. chose to kick us down a notch. According to both Malcolm Burrows and Gregory Sutton, the...
Never seen snake venom before? Now is your chance.
Blue sky, open road... what more do you need?
This guy manages to somehow get different sized rocks to balance on top of each other.
This is a wallpaper of a bunch of raindrops.
Firefly ship Serenity is spotted in the clouds of Earth.
Another day, another beautiful wallpaper. Live is good.
If there was ever an appropriate time to use "bloody" and "beautiful" in the same sentence, this is it -- what a bloody beautiful photo.