Zips are compressed file formats that you usually need to extract to open their content. You can extract them by selecting the Extract All option from the context menu. However, the context menu doesn’t include any option to extract a batch of selected Zip files. With ExtractNow you can easily batch extract Zip files.
You can add the software to Windows by pressing the Download Now button on this page. Open the setup wizard to install ExtractNow. Then open ExtractNow window in the shot below.
You can select Zip files to extract by dragging and dropping them onto the software’s window. So open Windows Explorer and then drag and drop a few Zip files onto the ExtractNow window as in the shot below.
Next, press the Extract button. A Browse For Folder window opens from which you should select a folder to extract the Zip to. Then press the OK button to extract the Zip to the folder.
To extract all Zips to the same folder, press the Settings button. Then click the Destination tab, and select the Automatically extract archives to radio button. Press the Browse for folder button to choose a path for the extracted folder, and then click OK.
So with this utility you can now quickly extract multiple Zip files. The software supports both the Zip and Rar compression formats and a few others. You can add ExtractNow to Windows 98, XP, Vista, 7 and 8.