How to sign out in Windows 10 [Tip]

As you know, Windows 10 brings dramatic changes to both the Desktop and touch environment. Start Menu is gone on non-touch device, Store apps run in framed windows, etc. That’s why it took me a lot of time to figure out how to sign out of my account when I first installed Windows 10 Technical Preview.

This super short tip will point you to just where you need to find the sign out menu in Windows 10.

How to sign out in Windows 10

Remember in Windows 8.1, you go to the Start Screen and click on your name at the top right then you’ll find the Sign Out option. The exact amount of steps are needed in case of Windows 10, despite Start Screen now becomes Start Menu.

So you click Start button, see your name and your account picture at the top left there? Hit it then a menu appears with the Sign Out option.


That’s all. It’s not really that difficult to find. Anyways, feel free to let us know if there’s any other way to sign out in Windows 10. Just put in the comments section below.

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