How to check OnePlus 2 invite status [Tip]

OnePlus 2It seems there’s an app for everything these days. While most don’t need any introductions to the masses of apps available out there from Google Play, the App Store and other app locations, you might not be aware about the current app available for OnePlus, cleverly put together by developer Suraj Jain.

OnePlus roll with an invite only system and once you have that invite, you need to join the long queue until it’s your turn. There are a few nifty tricks to help you get a OnePlus 2 smartphone, but none of them eliminate the queue entirely. Now that the second-generation OnePlus 2 smartphone is officially out and competing against the third-generation Motorola Moto X, it’s fair to say that queue is growing longer by the minute. Here’s how to find your place in the queue:


  • Android smartphones or tablets.
  • The app supports Android Wear.


  1. Head to the Google Play Store and log in to your account.
  2. Download the Invite Status app available for OnePlus 2 fans.
  3. Enter your invite code in the box and click the “Get Queue Number” button.
  4. Wait for the ping-back and you’ll see your number on the display.

Hopefully this handy guide has eliminated the need for you to search around the web for your spot in the waiting line. Let us know in the comments if you know any other methods for learning your position in the line.

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