Compare your pictures with PictureRelate [Windows]

Are you looking for a new way to organize and look at your photos? PictureRelate is a cool and unique program for comparing photos by similarity, and it actually works quite well.

PictureRelate is simple. You load up a bunch of images, select one, double click, and the rest are instantly ordered by similarity. It’s mostly done by color, but there appears to be some shape matching going on as well. It lets you search for duplicate photos, find matching photos, or just look at your photos in a new and unique way.

If you’re astute, you’ve noticed that PictureRelate has a licensing scheme. You can request a free license at its Licensing page, but if you don’t donate, be prepared for a cunning play on your emotions:

PictureRelate is actually pretty cool. If you’re looking for a picture sorting program, PictureRelate is certainly worth a look. If you’re looking for a unique way to look at your photos, it’s also worth a look. PictureRelate is an interesting and unique photo sorting and browsing app that’s definitely worth the 616KB.

Price: Free!

Version discovered: v2.6.3

Supported OS: Windows

Download size: 616KB

VirusTotal malware scan results: 0/42

Portability: Requires installation

PictureRelate homepage

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