[Mac OS X] Have fun while learning geography with Geomaster Plus

Geomaster Plus is an app designed to familiarize the user with geography around the world. It is especially useful for younger children who are just starting to learn geography. It can also easily be used by adults who are just looking to brush up on their basic geography knowledge.

What is it and what does it do

Main Functionality

Geomaster Plus contains all of the primary geography data in the world. It is meant to behave as a quiz game in addition to behaving as an encyclopedia. It is supposed to take you from beginner level all the way up through the master level. The overall goal is to completely familiarize yourself with geography all over the world.


  • 14 different games
  • Included atlas with high-resolution maps
  • Has information from all over the world
  • Supports countries, cities, states, and provinces
  • Includes mountains, seas, and oceans
  • 40 different difficulty levels


  • Unresponsive at times
  • Annoying glitches
  • Cannot focus on specific regions of the US
  • Seems like a half-baked port


Geomaster is a great concept for a great app. It has a ton of information about quite a few world locations. The information it contains includes all of the major countries, states, provinces, and cities. This is plenty of information about foreign countries and is really the basis for all geographical knowledge. In addition, you also get data from natural attractions such as mountains, seas, and oceans.

When it comes to using the application, you can do several things. If you just want to browse, you will have access to a full atlas with high-resolution maps and images. However, the bread and butter of this app is the games. This app will quiz you in geography in order to help you become more knowledgable on the subject. There are 14 different types of games that span over 40 different difficulty levels. These games include guessing the name of a state, guessing which flag belongs to which contry, and finding a location that is given to you on a map. This is terrific because you can start as basic as you want at first. Then, the more you play, the more you will learn and grow.

While Geomaster Plus is a great concept, it was very poorly executed. For starters, this app is a port of an iPad app, which is painfully obvious. There are still words like “tap” sprinkled everywhere that makes you think the app was meant for a touchscreen. As a result, sometimes when you click on a location, nothing will happen. There are all sorts of examples of unresponsiveness throughout the application. While the latest update did fix some of these problems, it’s not quite there yet.

Conclusion and download link

Geomaster Plus is truly a great idea. However, it seems like the developer did not take the time to create a proper port, which is a real shame. This application certainly has potential and anybody who is interested in geography should certainly keep his or her eye on it. However, I cannot recommend this game in its current state, especially since it costs money to try.

Price: $4.99

Version reviewed: 1.2

Supported OS: OS X 10.6 or later, 64-bit processor

Download size: 157mb

Geomaster Plus on Mac App Store

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