Check out all of this year’s Super Bowl ads, including Samsung’s $15 million commercial and the return of BlackBerry


If you were somehow unaware of the Super Bowl going on today, well, it’s over now. And the Ravens won… Yeah. Anyway, what’s the Super Bowl without some pretty awesome ads! The commercials that air during the game have become a part of the culture, and they can get pretty pricey too. The Wall Street Journal estimates a 30-second ad to sell for around $3.8 million. That puts the cost of this Samsung ad at around $15.2 million:

Now that BlackBerry’s back with a new OS and a new pair of phones, they’re gonna need multimillion dollar commercials to sell them! Here’s their ad for the Z10:

You can find the rest of the Super Bowl ads here — including a pretty controversial commercial.

[via AdBlitz, WSJ, The Verge]

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