[Android] Get social information about people who call you with Current Caller ID

unnamed (4)Current Caller ID is an application that gives you socially-relevant information about your contacts that are calling you. This application is great for people who like having updated events to talk about before answering their calls. It is also good when you want to make your communication time as efficient as possible because it gives you relevant statistics on contact data.

What is it and what does it do

Main Functionality

The main purpose of this application is to simply provide you with information about a contact before you communicate with them and when you are receiving a call from them. It is designed to provide optimal times to communicate and updated events in the persons lives that you can talk about.



  • Provides Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn updates on call screen
  • Provides news and weather based on contact’s location
  • Frequent and recent lists
  • Infographics about testing and calling habits
  • Functional widget
  • 300 million homes and businesses identified by White Pages


  • No Google+ support
  • Doesn’t always identify caller


unnamed (5)There are several caller ID applications available for Android, all of which, generally provide the same information compiled from the same sources. Current Caller ID on the other hand, takes a fascinating approach to a popular idea. For starters, the application is powered and developed by The White Pages. This makes the user positive that information you are receiving about your caller is accurate. However, the application aims to be more than a simple caller ID. It aims to include social functions that will allow you to communicate with your friends and family easier and more efficiently. This unique twist on a common practice provides just the right amount of edge to push this application towards the top of the market.

As expected, you will get access to the White Pages’ directory of homes and businesses. This includes over 300 million contacts that will automatically be given to you, regardless of whether they are in your contacts or not. If a contact calls you, you will get their latest Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn posts right on your incoming call screen. This is useful because the information may be relevant to the conversation you are about to have. Even if the contact is not part of any social networks, you will still get local news stories and weather that will also be displayed on the incoming call screen. This will give you multiple things to ask your contact about because it will be based on the contact’s current location. Additionally, you get lists of your frequent and recent contacts on top of useful infographics. These infographics can tell you what times of the day your contact is more apt to talk on the phone or text, making communicating much more convenient.

While this application is fantastic for staying in touch with your friends and family. It isn’t exactly perfect. My biggest complaint is that it does not show updates from Google+. This could perhaps be due to the fact that Google+ doesn’t exactly have a “status” updating system, but the application could very easily show links that the contact has recently posted. This will at least give you an idea of what he or she has been interested in lately. The only reason this is even an issue is because there are quite a few people who do not like Facebook, but are in fact on Google+. Additionally, I have noticed some incoming calls that should definitely be listed in the White Pages, but unfortunately are not shown. This is understandable as the database certainly can’t have information on every number out there.

Conclusion and download link

Generally speaking, this application is probably the best application for those who are interested in caller ID. However, if you are not currently on any social networks, then this application will have little use to you. If you are a person who is active on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, along with the majority of your friends, then this application could in fact be a really great way to communicate with your friends and family. It provides simple tools that will fuel your conversations and provide great conversation topics.

Price: Free

Version reviewed: 4.1.0

Requires: Android 2.2 and up

Download size: 4mb

Current Caller ID on Play Store

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