Sometimes, this is how I feel when using my computer too much [Comic]
Too much computer usage is bad for your health.
Too much computer usage is bad for your health.
The story behind this is a person was removing a bunch of bloatware from his/her grandfather's computer when s/he apparently uninstalled Uninstall.
I call it: iSuper iPod.
Man washes four computer towers with water. Literally.
Officially, NASA is sticking to the line that this is the photo of a star forming 4,500 light years away from Earth. However, Trekkies know better.
Bootleg video came is of Super Mario Bros in Jurassic Park.
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The sun is large in this one.
Check out this realistic sand art of a horse.
Lady wants to buy shoes, sees shoe selling website down, and calls the web host to try to bring it back up... despite not being the owner of the website.
Dating sites can be vicious.
"Microsoft South Africa" has "approved a claim of $2,000,000" for me. Woohoo!
That is a custom modification by Gabriel Dishaw that involves "toy tank, vintage model pieces, computers, adding machines, typewriters, wire and airplane parts". And of course, Darth Vadar.
Some tech somewhere in the world decided to use one zip tie to help hold up a server. Bad idea.
Person tries to install Windows 95 on a netbook, gets an error that floppy disk must be removed... but the netbook has no floppy drive.