Awesome dog and his awesome motorbike [Amazing Photo of the Day]
Awesome picture. I'm surprised they got the dog to stay still like that for the shot.
Awesome picture. I'm surprised they got the dog to stay still like that for the shot.
Winter is coming, and so are the White Walkers and the others.
We are thinking the root cause of the problem in this particular story is between the chair and the keyboard.
Oh wow, is that a gunshot wound? Think positively and you'll be fine. It's all in your head friend.
Microsoft Word as a photo album? Yeah, nothing can go wrong, we promise so just chill. *Chill, chill, just chill. Chill, chill, just chill.*
You should be working, but you're reading dotTech. But that is OK because dotTech isn't on the list -- time spent here is productive, not a waste. ;-)
Boba Fett in the leading role? Nothing can ever go wrong. Let's hope Disney is taking notes.
Probably the most dangerous thing in the known universe is a black hole. I mean, aside from Ashraf of course. You don't wanna be near him in the morning.
Thunder, thunder, thundercats... hoooo!
This isn't the first time someone thought Microsoft Office is actually Windows, and it won't be the last.
Nice try Gandalf, but no cigar.
Firefox 4 beta is broken. Boy, this is an old screenshot.
Here's a look back at the most popular holiday toys from the last 50 years. As if the title of this post wasn't clear enough for you.
This dude went ahead and built a Jaeger from Pacific Rim called the Brooklyn Typhoon.
Some guys have all the luck in the world. Vimeo user Subterminally fell from a cliff and could have easily died, but death wasn’t bad-ass enough to take him on that day. What he attempted was just a simple base jump, something he ...