Category Archives: Computer Programming

Tips ‘n Tricks related to all things of code.

The 411 on Process Virtual Machines

Most everyone uses ones of these every day and don’t know it. Some that do know either don’t understand it or, even worse, misunderstand it. Yet if anyone ever ran a Java program or a .NET based program they’ve used one. At its mo...

Programming for newbies, Part 1: Python

Hi all, this is my first post here at dotTech. There have been many common question when one decides to dive into “world of programming”. These questions includes but not limited to “which language should I learn...

Programming for newbies, Part 2: C++

Hi dotTechies, Last time I did a write up on Python. Here is my short treatise on another programming language, C++.  Bear in mind that I’m not an expert  C++ boy,  but I have enough to pass knowledge to newbies.  I’m ...