Zuko and the Avatar [Comic]
Without these two, the Avatar series is dead and done.
Without these two, the Avatar series is dead and done.
Are you an introvert? Let's talk!
Stop your moaning, you pigeons.
Arm yourselves, we've got Androids to destroy.
Seriously? This is going to happen.
I knew a guy who was nuclear... What? That's it -- did you expect more?
A dentist of the not-so-modern age.
Dey turk err jurbs.
This is what Luke wished had happened. Too bad he lost an arm instead.
Are you one of these people?
To boobs or not to boobs, that is the question.
Which one of the six are you?
Search your feelings, you know this to be true.
Google trying its best to flood everything with Google Plus. And it is pissing me off.
Are you a Snapchat user? Then you deserve all the bad things happening right now.