What if George R.R. Martin wrote Breaking Bad? [Comic]
Lord Walter White would be summoned from the Northern Suburbs to server as cook of the King.
Lord Walter White would be summoned from the Northern Suburbs to server as cook of the King.
Apple bashing never gets old.
When was the last time you were able to use frequent flyer miles to a destination of your choice on a date of your choice?
Man has his computer literally thrown out the window.
Spoiler: it isn't what you are expecting.
This pretty much describes how I deal with broken things.
Procrastinators unite... tomorrow!
"I think we should see Other People."
They are on Facebook and Reddit.
Apparently my wife isn't the only one who uses sex to get me off the computer.
"The people who apologize for having a dirty computer and the people who actually have a dirty computer are not the same people."
Who is for the idea of putting microphones in coins and batteries?
I can attest to the fact that at least some of these comparisons are dead on.
How many people have had a problem, spent an insanely long time finding a solution, then come across the only one answer that might solve all your woes only to find the answer not available, deleted, or what not? Yeah...
Anyone? Anyone?