This is why you shouldn’t smoke around your PC [Image]
Chances are, your computer looks similar to this one, chump.
Chances are, your computer looks similar to this one, chump.
We search through tons of wallpapers daily to find the best wallpapers for your Android device . Check out our collection of today’s top Android wallpapers . All of the wallpapers are available both in 1080×1920 and 720...
Beautiful flower, here to set you free.
Lesson of the day: never act smug, you'll be put in your place eventually.
Which one of the six are you?
YouTube, the place where everything goes wrong every day.
Admit it, this is best rickroll you have ever seen.
This reindeer is high, think about it.
This is incredible. Reports claim that Microsoft plans to release Windows 9 in 2015, and yet... this guy is obviously a time traveler.
Search your feelings, you know this to be true.
So you’re a traveler, right? Then you need to take a peek at this infographic.
Google trying its best to flood everything with Google Plus. And it is pissing me off.
It's all about privacy and social media in 2014.
A place fit for Spartans.
Not smart enough to setup an iPad? Don' buy one. Okay, that is a bit harsh.