Misty from Pokemon, what have they done to you [Image]
If you like(d) Misty, you won't like this toy.
If you like(d) Misty, you won't like this toy.
I hope to get a lightsaber from this guy.
Eagles, apparently, are not the largest birds in the world; fun fact that I did not know before.
We need to find out what this Photo of the Day logic is. The hunt begins.
20 days until the new year, what are your plans?
Minus 100 points for refusing to mention cable cut after badass soldering.
You have to see this to understand what I mean.
The most powerful creature of Middle Earth is Smaug with his fiery breath.
A rock that looks like a face. Surely this is the fossil of giants.
Find ways to secure data and be careful who you collaborate with online.
What an awesome sale!
The show is over, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have your own piece of memory to hold on to. Here’s the cook van inside a snowglobe.
Wolverine in your latte, think you can drink it without losing your throat to those blades?
Winter is coming, and so are the White Walkers and the others.
We are thinking the root cause of the problem in this particular story is between the chair and the keyboard.