Picture-perfect sunset over the Grand Canyon [Wallpaper]
Another day, another beautiful wallpaper. Live is good.
Another day, another beautiful wallpaper. Live is good.
I can see why Switzerland doesn't like to participate in wars -- such beauty is better when not blown to pieces.
Words cannot describe how stunning this photo-wallpaper is.
Really, you couldn't create a better gradient with Photoshop than this natural one.
Or you could label this "coming", depending on your point of view.
A pink flower stands out among a sea of green.
As an added bonus, the wallpaper includes a goat. A goat. What else could you ask for?!
S/he only wants you to think s/he is sleeping. So you can get close. Then... BOOM, gut shot.
As they say, early birds get the worm.
Check out Mt. Hood and Trillium Lake in the US state of Oregon.
Lights from Las Vegas create an orange glow in the sky at a nearby lake.
That is a photo-wallpaper of a view off the coast of Pacific City, Oregon. And what an amazing view it is.
That view is from the coast of Porticcio, facing the capital city of Ajaccio, Corsica.
Check out this Jasper Bald Eagle.
A lone tree stands amongst a field of grass.