Samsung Galaxy S4 Stress Test shows the phone is very durable [Video]


See that image up top? Bad things happen when you do that to your phone. But Samsung knows that for everyone who keeps their phone in mint condition, there a bunch more that will probably drop theirs down the stairs or into the toilet. Enter the Samsung Galaxy S4 Stress Test.

Apparently the S4 is a phone isn’t just designed in the company’s labs to look pretty and do stuff, it’s also designed to take some beating. A lot of it actually. From heating up the phone in an oven to submerging it in water, they’ve done all that and more. Check it out:

I don’t know about you, but knowing the lengths they’ve gone to in order to make sure the S4 doesn’t crumble in real world use makes me appreciate the phone just a little more. I wouldn’t recommend submerging yours in water at all though — that could’ve been some magical Korean water or something.

[via Gizmodo]

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