How to set a relevant image for a tweet in Twitter [Tip]

In the Twitter community, tweets with images have a higher chance of getting clicked and viewed than the tweets with plain text. So if your goal in Twitter is to promote your presence, it would be best to start tweeting content with relevant images.

In Twitter, there’s no such feature that would allow you to automatically use a relevant image for your tweet. All you can do is to manually attach an image.

Fortunately, there’s a way to set a relevant image for a tweet without going through a lot of bothersome steps.

How to set a relevant image for a tweet in Twitter

  • Open your web browser and then go here to view the homepage of “Tweetshot”.
  • Once you’re on Tweetshot, scroll down until you see the tweet field.
  • Type your tweet and then include the link that you want to promote or share.

tweetshot for Twitter

  • After doing so, Tweetshot will automatically generate relevant images for your tweet. It will get the images from the page or site where your link is pointing to.
  • Moving on, just select the image that you want to include in your tweet. You can also crop or resize the image if you want.

tweetshot for Twitter b

  • Once done, just click the “Tweet” button to post your tweet with image to your Twitter profile. You will also need to log in and authorize the app by logging in to your Twitter account.

That’s it. You may then preview the tweet that you posted via Tweetshot on your Twitter timeline.

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