Microsoft launches ad-free Bing search… but for schools


Microsoft wants students and teachers to search the internet without getting bombarded by ads and adults content. And they want to beat Google. So, earlier this summer, the company announced Bing for Schools, a special program that offers an ad-free search environment for schools. In addition to ad filtering, schools can block adult contents with Bing for Schools. Google offers a similar function but it doesn’t remove ads.

On top of having an ad-free search experience, a Bing Rewards program is offered to students through which they can earn credits and put them toward free Surface RT tablets for their school.

It is not a surprising move by Microsoft considering Google has been moving into Microsoft’s enterprise space with the likes of Google Apps. Plus, Google — thanks to its Play Store — has already made inroads into the eduction market. There are already numerous text books on Play Book Store and “more than 20 million people” downloaded educational apps on Play Store. It is only logic that Microsoft get off their ass and respond.

Microsoft hopes that teachers and students will see the “quality of Bing” and also hopes that they will use it outside of classrooms once they realize how good it is. I doubt that is going to happen, but you never know. After all, the Google giant must fall sometime. Right?

[via Gigaom and Image via Forbes]

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