8 geeky (nerdy) ways to say “I love you” [Image]
"You charge my particles."
"You charge my particles."
Man thinks he is getting a new $1,049 Sony Viao i7 laptop for $500, gets an old limited edition Compaq instead.
A Dalek in a front yard? Say what?
This is stunning photo was taken by NASA's Cassani spacecraft, a spacecraft that is 900 million miles away and was sent to study Saturn.
This amazing shot was "taken from the top of Muottas Muragl, a minor summit situated near St. Moritz in Switzerland."
New use of PRISM: finding a significant other.
"Plug it back into a USB slot." "How can I tell which slot that is?"
New WarsVsThrones subreddit on Reddit has some hilarious memes.
...doesn't like deer?
Person tells tech support that the Internet is not working... while chatting with said tech support over the Internet.
This infographic provides some simple tips as to how/why viruses spread.
Most software tend to be single-focused, specializing in doing one task or multiple tasks related to the same generalized theme. Then there are so called “system utilities” or “system optimization software”...
WinUtilities is a useful all-in-one system utility program for Windows that comes with over 20 features under one root. To top it off, the program comes in Free and Pro versions, allowing you to pick if you want to use the program...
It almost looks like there is a castle in the middle of the lake.
Comic pokes fun at how Windows almost always inaccurately estimates how much time is left to complete an action.