This is possibly the best photo we have shared yet [Amazing Photo of the Day]
If there was ever an appropriate time to use "bloody" and "beautiful" in the same sentence, this is it -- what a bloody beautiful photo.
If there was ever an appropriate time to use "bloody" and "beautiful" in the same sentence, this is it -- what a bloody beautiful photo.
I can see why Switzerland doesn't like to participate in wars -- such beauty is better when not blown to pieces.
And that, my friends, is how Ninja Turtles were born. Or does a bee actually have to sting the turtle to mutate it into a bad guy fighting ninja? Beats me, I'm making this up as I go.
You could be an Examiner, Defender, Counselor, Strategist, Craftsman or other and you don't even know it.
79-year-old Kohei Jinno is an unlucky Japanese man, or maybe the government hates him. Jinno will be evicted by the government from his home because of the 2020 Olympic games. And the kicker? This isn’t a first time experience for...
Agent Lion loves spying.
Words cannot describe how stunning this photo-wallpaper is.
Procrastinators unite... tomorrow!
Really, you couldn't create a better gradient with Photoshop than this natural one.
I suppose some people just really love their dogs. Or maybe some people like using Photoshop to create humorous images. Who knows.
For a cool $55, you can grab a pack of twelve 24-carat rolling paper.
Or you could label this "coming", depending on your point of view.
A giraffe enjoys dinner with a family of four.
Wrestling (commercial wrestling, like WWE) may be fake but this pain is as real as a kidney stone.
Follow the advice in this infographic to successfully disagree with any research you don't like.