“Opinions on internet privacy” [Comic]
Xkcd enlightens us on six different viewpoints on internet privacy.
Xkcd enlightens us on six different viewpoints on internet privacy.
Older gentlemen misreads "What is the color of your first car? as "What is the color of your first cat?".
I think NSA jokes are getting a bit old now.
Woman's phone dies, she recharges it. Then she wonders why it won't work.
What you expect to learn in a computer class probably isn't what you are actually taught.
I get a legitimate email from Google but Gmail "couldn't verify that [the] message was sent by google.com" and marks it as spam.
No, my caps lock isn't broken -- someone really thinks techies can teleport stuff over the phone.
My guess: PowerPoint presentations maker. [via MakeUseOf]
More specifically, this person has never launched anything that wasn't found on the desktop!
Lord Walter White would be summoned from the Northern Suburbs to server as cook of the King.
Apple bashing never gets old.
How hard is it to know what version of Windows you are running?
When was the last time you were able to use frequent flyer miles to a destination of your choice on a date of your choice?
Just goes to show you: even people who use computers on a daily basis don't necessarily know what they are doing.
Man has his computer literally thrown out the window.