Man owns a Mac but still falls for “I am from Windows tech support” scam [Humor]
Dot, dot, dot is the best response I have for this.
Dot, dot, dot is the best response I have for this.
Geek mods his computer to fit inside a microwave. And it works.
Here on dotTech we participate in Google’s AdSense program, an ad network that allows website owners to display Google ads on their websites and earn commission every time a user clicks on an ad. AdSense is our main source o...
Ballerina Amélie Ségarra dances on top of a piano using knife-pointed shoes.
This past Tuesday Apple did something rather odd (or maybe it isn’t that odd for Apple): the company made an attempt to trademark the word ‘startup’. The plan here seems to be directed at Apple’s various products...
Oh rich people...
11,704,165 KB .TTF temporary file, to be exact.
What is that you say -- you don't understand what ???????????? means?
Because, you know, children have to be conditioned from a young age for the cat-filled internet.
For the first time in history, brain researchers were able to remotely control another person’s movements through signals sent by a mere thought. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it is now possible to use your brain to control another h...
A hospital has found itself in deep trouble after neurosurgeons introduced fecal bacteria (aka feces) to the brains of several patients, who ultimately died from the procedure. The hospital in question is UC Davis Medical Center, ...
"Why is psychic weak to bug?"
Error message at boot tells user keyboard is not found... but then asks user to press the F1 or DEL keys on the keyboard.
Technically, it is called the Throne of Nerds. But I prefer Throne of Geeks.
If there is any video game that will make you say (or think) "WTF", this game is it.