‘Kung Fury’ movie has Hitler as the greatest villain of all time

kung fury

Kung Fury, a movie about a kung-fu renegade cop who must traverse the odds and defeat the most evil kung-fu master in the world: Adolf Hitler, aka Kung Führer. Right away we’d pay to see this at the theater, heck, we’d probably watch it twice mainly due to the name “Kung Führer”. This movie is not a big budget special, in fact, if everything goes according to plan, this movie will be made and placed on YouTube for free. For this to happen though, it must first meet its required Kickstarter quota.

At the moment, Kung Fury is seeking a whopping $200,000 from Kickstarter to get made. That’s quite a lot for an amateur low-budget film,, but once you’ve witnessed the trailer then you’ll realize why this is. Basically, the main character here will travel through time back to the days of the Vikings. He’ll meet a sexy Viking female with an automatic gun, (ha ha what?) he’ll also meet the Norse god of thunder, Thor, and ride dinosaurs.

What can I say, it’s very stupid but in a good way. It’s like a homage to those crazy 80s and early 90s B-movies that were so stupid, they were actually fun to watch.

At the moment, Kung Fury has surpassed the $200,000 required on Kickstarter, so already we are guaranteed a 30 minutes free movie on YouTube. However, if the project gains $1 million, it will be transformed into a full feature film.


[via Kickstarter]

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