Apple changes corporate charter, tries to be more open to women and minorities


Apple has apparently dedicated themselves to creating a more diverse board of directors, and has altered its charter to be more inclusive of women and minorities.

“The nominating committee is committed to actively seeking out highly qualified women and individuals from minority groups to include in the pool from which board nominees are chosen,” is now what the charter says.

Apple has been facing some criticisms over the fact that they only have one woman serving on the board, and also only one female executive working for CEO Tim Cook. “There is a general problem with diversity at the highest echelon of Apple,” Jonas Kron,who works for Trillium as their director of shareholder advocacy, said to Bloomberg. “It’s all white men.”

The move to make this newest addition to the charter has its roots in the shareholders, who were going to address this at the annual shareholder meeting which will take place in February, and have also talked to Apple a number of times over the past few months to discuss this very issue.

For the moment the shareholders have relented on bringing it up, but adding words to a charter is one thing, following through with actions is another.

[via Cnet]

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