“PoliticallyMotivated.net loads really slow” problem.

Hello all,

I know that PoliticallyMotivated.net has been loading very, very slowly lately. I thought I should just make this post to inform you as to why. There are two factors, one of which is in my control while the other is not:

  • The webhost factor. As some of you may know, my webhost is Eboundhost.com. They usually provide excellent service and their hosting is pretty fast. However sometimes the hosting bogs down which adds to the slowness of the website. This factor is the lesser of the two. To see if/when my webhost is slow, just compare how fast RationalWorks.net loads compared to PoliticallyMotivated.net – both websites are on the same server; however I used Joomla to build RaW as opposed to WordPress for PMnet. Sometimes you will find that RaW loads slow (ignore the interface problems…I have yet to get around to fixing them). That is when Eboundhost is being stupid. It happens but not very often thankfully.
  • The WordPress 2.7 factor. The upgrade from WordPress 2.6.x to 2.7.x came with a lot of changes in the WordPress code. Apparently since 2.7.x release, many, many people are having problems with their websites loading slowly. There seems to be some bug w/ 2.7.x and it has yet to be addressed. This factor is out of my control and is the main contributor to the slow loading. I have applied minor patches/fixes that have improved the speed ever so slightly, but for the most part all we can do is wait until this bug has been fixed.

Sorry for the inconvenience! InshAllah this will be fixed soon and we can all get on our way.

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