You can watch the premiere of ‘House of Cards’ on Netflix for free, even without a paid account


Netflix has released their original series, ‘House of Cards’. To push their second original series, the company wants as many people as possible to watch it. What better way than to make the premiere episode available for anyone to watch, at no cost?

(Note: This is only available in countries where Netflix operates: US, Canada, U.K., Ireland, Latin America, Brazil, and the Nordics.)

Those who already have Netflix subscriptions will get to see all 13 episodes, as they’ve all been made available in one go. If you watch the premiere on a non-paid account, you can continue watching the series if you sign up — which is exactly what Netflix hopes you’ll do. Still, it’s a free episode of what looks to be a solid TV show starring Kevin Spacey and directed by David Fincher who also did The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and The Social Network. Hit up the link below for the premiere episode! And if you don’t wanna pay for the rest of it, I guess you could always wait. It might show up on Antigua’s government-run pirate site.

House of Cards on Netflix

[via Engadget]

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