Sony brings back the original Trinitron, Walkman, Handycam, and PlayStation for its latest nostalgia-filled ad [Video]


Just like how they ramped up their announcement to the PlayStation 4, Sony seems to be betting on nostalgia yet again to promote the upcoming Xperia Z.

The Trinitron, Walkman, Handycam, and original PlayStation are all present in the commercial as it tries to signal the Xperia Z as the next big thing. You’ll also see that the phone is waterproof, just like its big brother.

Sony hasn’t been doing so well lately but after the successful PlayStation 4 announcement and its latest offerings like the Xperia Z and Xperia Tablet Z looking rock solid, the company looks to be finally turning things around. It might not quite be as good as the glory days just yet, but they’re headed in the right direction so far.

[via Sony (YouTube)The Verge]

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