About Enrique Manalang
Enrique brings you your tech news on dotTech. When he isn't writing, you'll find him playing video games or traveling. You can find him on Twitter at @enriquemanalang.
Apple has seemingly mirrored Samsung’s recent actions of dropping patent claims in the EU by withdrawing a patent claim against them in the US — the device in question, the Samsung Galaxy S III mini. Have Apple and Sam...
Looks like warrantless wiretapping in the name of counter-terrorism in the US isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. After a Senate vote last Thursday that saw the bill passed by a vote of 73 to 23, it looks like the proverbial ...
While there are many legitimate reasons for jailbreaking your iPhone, one of the more popular things to do with a jailbroken device was install pirated apps on it. And for pirated iOS apps, there was no better place to go than Ha...
A U.S. International Trade Commission judge Thomas Pender is recommending sanctions against Samsung in light of his preliminary finding that the company infringed four of Apple’s patents. The recommended sanctions include an...
It looks like the bad news for Microsoft’s Internet Explorer just keeps piling on, with every other day seemingly bringing news about a new security problem for the browser. This time, however, users of the most recent versi...
As you’ve probably already guessed, Game of Thrones is indeed the most pirated tv of show 2012. According to TorrentFreak‘s data, it handily beat out other popular shows — it even has double the amount of downloa...
TorrentFreak has released their annual list of the most pirated movies of the year — most of the results are pretty much expected, but there are a few surprises in there as well. Raise your hand if you were expecting Project...
We’ve known for awhile now that Apple has plans to bring production of one its Macs to the US — and we’ve also speculated that it was most likely going to be the Mac Pro due to its relatively lower volume of sale...
Have you ever taken a picture and wished that you focused on something else for the shot? You could always get a Lytro. But if you’re hoping for that same kind of awesome technology in your smartphone, Toshiba’s got yo...
If there’s one thing that Microsoft doesn’t need, it’s more bad publicity for Internet Explorer. The company’s browser has often been criticized to be slow and simply downright inferior compared to other of...
Privacy advocates are gonna love Verizon after this one. The company has filed a patent application for a set-top box that is similarly equipped as Microsoft’s Kinect — cameras, microphones and motion sensors, everythi...
Even if Windows 8 was only just officially released 2 months ago, whispers about its successor are already being heard. The project is being called “Windows Blue” and is expected to be launched in the summer of next ye...
Did anybody get a Microsoft Surface this Christmas? Does anybody know anyone who got Surface for Christmas? Didn’t think so. As solid of a device it is, it just doesn’t seem to be on many people’s wish list this ...
One of the best parts of gaming is the holiday sales, its the best time to pick up those games you may have been eyeing but could never justify putting down the cash for. If those games happen made by Gameloft, there will probably...
Real names on Facebook? That’s nothing. What about your real name tied to every account you use on the Internet, anonymous or not? That’s what Internet users in China might have to deal with if this new policy becomes ...