An elephant on the beach [Amazing Photo of the Day]
Kids will be kids... even if they are from another species.
Kids will be kids... even if they are from another species.
The enormous hornets of China are making a mess of things more so that they have ever done before in the past. According to a Guardian report, dozens of people in recent weeks in China have died of alleged hornet attacks. (Side no...
Simply put, this is a stunning photo.
Who is the lol'ing now, *****?
...And what happens next, I'm sure we all know.
This cat really loves his pizza.
Who doesn't like pandas?
See the photo to understand why some may consider this to be an alien.
Man attaches camera to surfboard, checks photos after surfing and discovers a shark was circling under him.
…And, well, I’m sure you can guess what happened next. Planning to get married? That’s great, just don’t ever transform an owl into a ring bearer, because it would likely turn out very bad. Take this particular wedding...
The title of this article is not a joke.
Never seen snake venom before? Now is your chance.
From the land of Persia comes a new feline hero of the modern age. Its name is Space Cat, and it will be the first feline to wander in space in nearly 50 years. From what we understand, this isn’t the first animal Iran has blasted...
And that, my friends, is how Ninja Turtles were born. Or does a bee actually have to sting the turtle to mutate it into a bad guy fighting ninja? Beats me, I'm making this up as I go.
The European Space Agency (ESA) is planning to send a snake to Mars, though it is not the type of snake you might have expected. You see, this future traveler to Mars is a robot snake designed to traverse certain terrains that not...