Phone and charger are as important as food and shelter? [Comic]
People in the past used to worry about food and shelter. Us? We care about our phone and its charger.
People in the past used to worry about food and shelter. Us? We care about our phone and its charger.
With all this violence, we should have video game control instead of gun control.
Whenever you procrastinate and waste time instead of getting work done, just play Trolley.
The advent of digital cameras freed us from the restriction of traditional cameras that limited us to 24 (or so) pictures per roll, resulting in lots of useless photos.
This comic satirizes what us entitled people call "problems".
If you insist on wearing your Fundawear vibrating underwear, be sure to not put them on backwards.
Want to take a stab as to who Internet Explorer would be?
See how they fought spam in Medieval Europe.
No one goes outside unless the Internet is down.
Be sure to read the fine print for Google Glass before spending $1,500 on it.
...And I'm willing to bet this happens with most dotTechies, too.
Oddly enough, this is somewhat true.
Too much reality TV.
In today's world of technology, I have no doubt this is true for many, many people.
This clock gives an error at 4:04.