Law #314 of IT support [Comic]
"The people who apologize for having a dirty computer and the people who actually have a dirty computer are not the same people."
"The people who apologize for having a dirty computer and the people who actually have a dirty computer are not the same people."
This prank works best on Halloween but you can really do it whenever you want.
Woman wants to send PDF files to her client, but can't understand how the zoom function in Adobe Reader works.
Who is for the idea of putting microphones in coins and batteries?
"Part of my job is supporting cranky old donated machines. I also own firearms. This is my therapy."
Man works tech support for a local company, woman accuses him of infecting her netbook with virus just so she would have to pay him to fix it.
I can attest to the fact that at least some of these comparisons are dead on.
Host from The Chamber Boys radio show pranks a bunch of students at New York's University of Rochester.
How to do taxes -- yep, never learned that in high school.
Person chats with tech support in English, and then tells them s/he doesn't speak English. Yeah, WTF pretty much explains this humor story.
How many people have had a problem, spent an insanely long time finding a solution, then come across the only one answer that might solve all your woes only to find the answer not available, deleted, or what not? Yeah...
User keeps clicking 'Cancel' when trying to login, wonders why s/he can't login successfully.
Anyone? Anyone?
Woman backs up her data and removes all registered software all on her own in preparation for a new computer.