“I shouldn’t be calling you!” [Humor]
Livid network admin calls tech support for help with Microsoft Exchange, is adamant that he knows everything.
Livid network admin calls tech support for help with Microsoft Exchange, is adamant that he knows everything.
Some people are just idiots.
There the carrot and then there is the stick. This guy (or gal) went for the hammer.
A story of arrogant developer vs patient system admin.
The world is filled with thieves, but it is also filled with persons who are very naïve. Here’s an interesting story of an Australian woman who thought she bought 2 iPhones from another woman, but instead got 2 Apples instead. How...
Company orders $300,000 computer. To save $4,000 on that order, VP of engineering does not order critical parts like cables.
Woman wants to use a password on her Windows account because without a password "it won't be secure". However, she wants Windows to remember her password so she doesn't have to type it when every time. Dot, dot, dot.
Government auditor wants contractor to make a secure server vulnerable so that it can be patched.
Having a heater pointed at your computer is not a good idea.
Sometimes I wonder if people prank tech support on purpose.
So emails aren't going out? Nope, they are going out -- this person just can't feel them going out.
This reminds me that "secure" password-storing notebook. What was it called...
As the tech from support said: computers run on electricity, not magic -- removing the battery without plugging in AC power will force the computer to turn off.
Moral of this story: just because it is in the shape of a CD does not necessarily mean it will work inside a computer.
"Plug it back into a USB slot." "How can I tell which slot that is?"