Hilarious parody of Disney’s Star Wars Episode 7 [Video]
Disney says they will show Star Wars Episode 7 by 2015. Why wait so long? Watch a parody of it today!
Disney says they will show Star Wars Episode 7 by 2015. Why wait so long? Watch a parody of it today!
Linux penguin > Vista icon
Michaelsoft what?
Imagine if broken screens could be fixed by simply spraying on them with this magical solution.
Remember: be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.
Man comes up with semi-clever idea to keep the annoyance away.
Maslow was mostly accurate in his hierarchy of needs -- he just forgot to include the Internet.
All you people that hate Windows 8 will enjoy this one.
I have a feeling this obese lion will have trouble catching prey.
Targeted ads are typically considered undesirable. But sometimes they can provide a good laugh.
The signs speak for themselves.
New iPhone = smashed iPhone = angry ex-iPhone owner
"Facebook is the greatest invention of my time." -- Winston Churchill
Linux users make demands to Microsoft. But Microsoft knows their weakness.
You have to be a gamer to appreciate this.