GhostSingles is a dating website… for ghosts [Image]
This website is real -- head over to if you don't believe me. Now the only question is: is it a hoax? I sure hope so.
This website is real -- head over to if you don't believe me. Now the only question is: is it a hoax? I sure hope so.
Spoiler: Gandalf wanted a divorce.
Remember a recent report that claimed several NSA employees spied on their loved ones? Yeah, well, the NSA has come out and confirmed these incidents. In other words, they really happened, and it proves the giving one agency this ...
…And, well, I’m sure you can guess what happened next. Planning to get married? That’s great, just don’t ever transform an owl into a ring bearer, because it would likely turn out very bad. Take this particular wedding...
"I think we should see Other People."
Apparently my wife isn't the only one who uses sex to get me off the computer.
I can attest to the fact that at least some of these comparisons are dead on.
This mattress, known as the Cuddle Mattress, makes it easier to cuddle and/or spoon with your significant other. It works by cutting up the mattress into individual foam pieces, allowing you to sink your arm into a form piece whil...
Dating sites can be vicious.
Nothing shows true love as Han Solo frozen in carbonite.
Yeah, yeah -- I know Gmail has its fair share of issues related to privacy. But I still love Gmail, and this is an example why.
To be more accurate, the title should say: "Leaving your girlfriend for an android".
To be fair, the person in question is a photographer... so he probably did this as a joke and/or social commentary. Still, doesn't mean we can't make fun of him.
"You charge my particles."