Facebook has altered the way their news feed works and soon you will start seeing posts from pages that you don’t follow.
The news feed to now include posts which mention pages that a person has “liked”. Facebook believes this is a way to help people “discover conversations around topics they’ve expressed interest in.”
“Now, when a Page tags another Page, we may show the post to some of the people who like or follow the tagged Page. For example, this post by the Bleacher Report might be shown in News Feed to people who follow or like Dwight Howard, in addition to people who follow or like the Bleacher Report,” Facebook says on their press release.
Andrew Song, who is Facebook’s Product Manager, also added that “when we tested adding this feature for Pages we found that people liked seeing this type of content in their News Feeds and gave these stories high scores in surveys.”
While you can see the argument on how this could bring you into contact with information you may be interested in, it still boils down to even more stuff being thrown into your news feed, and this time you didn’t even ask for it by liking a page.
[via Cnet, Facebook News Feed]