RIM’s unannounced BlackBerry Z10 fully leaked in video


While RIM’s BlackBerry 10 announcement is still around 2 weeks away, the devices meant to run its new operating system are already being fully demoed through some pretty substantial leaks. This might be the best look we’ve had yet at what is widely expected to be called the BlackBerry Z10, RIM’s take on now standard touchscreen rectangular slab. Check out the walkthrough video below, courtesy of Telekom Presse:


The video is 7 minutes long and is a pretty detailed look at both the software and hardware of the Z10. If RIM doesn’t make any substantial changes to the model that hits markets, you may well be looking at the final product here, albeit without the official explanations and highlighting that RIM will be doing when it’s announced.

With that said, what do you think of the phone? Will this phone be the savior for RIM or is another nail in the coffin? Let us know in the comments!

[via The Verge, Telekom Presse]

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