QuantuMDx is a handheld malaria tester that works as a portable DNA lab


You may think that at this day and age, malaria would be a disease unknown but sadly, we’re still fighting against it. I know one who had been infected with it after staying in a country where malaria is still common. It was a frightening experience at first but glad he was able to recover.

Malaria is still a serious threat but we still need more advancement in technology. QuantuMDx is heeding to the call by releasing a tool that could help quickly diagnose Malaria. Still a prototype, this device could diagnose the disease in 10 to 15 minutes. This is a great tool since DNA sequencing, typically done to diagnose the disease, usually takes days. The tool could even tell which drug and dosage should be given to the patient.

The prototype stage is crucial and we hope that it will be successful and finally be available commercially. A series of clinical tests will be administered later this 2014.

According to QuantuMDx, this device will be affordable enough for medical workers in developing countries where malaria is prevalent. It’s expected to be affordable as a basic smartphone but will require $5 to $ 10 cartridges.

[via QuantuMDX]

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