Author Archives: Ashraf

About Ashraf

Happily married to the most beautiful woman ever, Ashraf is the founder of dotTech. Ashraf spends insane hours on dotTech (usually writing articles but sometimes doing absolutely nothing except staring). Yes he is weird, but he is also very friendly.

The progression of a computer problem [Comic]

Intentionally or otherwise, I’m sure most, if not all, dotTechies have run across computer issues. From personal experience, I can attest to how, at the start of the problem, I am motivated to fix it all and get everything b...

Apologies for so many repeat emails!

Hey, Lately, it seems like dotTech has been having server issue after issue, and I seem to be apologizing a lot. However, when an apology is due, I’m not one to stand by. Today dotTech had an issue that overloaded the CPU on...

Apple copyright claims hit a new low [Comic]

Anyone that reads any technology related news knows about Apple’s vendetta against Android… about Apple waging war against everything Android vis a vis lawsuits and litigation. If you think Apple has already hit a low ...