About Tucker
I'm a iPad and iPhone junkie who loves trying new apps and quality mobile games. When I'm not composing app reviews, I'm probably running, baking, checking Twitter obsessively, or writing short fiction.
If I had to guess how many apps on the App Store have something to do with photography, I’d guess, conservatively, around 8,000. I have no idea how far off I am, but the fact remains that the App Store is positively glutted ...
There are tons of interesting apps on the App Store. One interesting app I recently stumbled across is a tool that lets you start a conversation around documents and videos. It is called VoiceThread. VoiceThread is an interesting ...
Last week, this time lapse video of a woman losing 88 lbs in about five seconds went viral. People love time lapse videos, be they of weight loss success stories, or buildings being erected, or of weather conditions over time. Tim...
I need a vacation. Chances are, you probably need one, too. Who doesn’t need a vacation? Travel is one of the few things that can really give our brains a “hard reset” and make us feel refreshed. But if you can&#...
I must just live in a weird part of the country, from a meteorological perspective. I usually juggle two or three weather apps to get an idea of what the weather is actually going to do, because relying on just one app usually end...
Kids hate it when their parents spy on them, but good parents are invested, concerned, and tuned in to what their kids are up to. That can be harder once kids have their own tech, such as computers or smartphones. For parents who ...
Ever since I swapped out my hard drive for a solid state drive, I’ve been really preoccupied with keeping my Mac neat and tidy. I’m more diligent about freeing up memory, deleting files I don’t need, deleting coo...
Rhythm and music games can be quite addicting. I’ve spent many night playing Rock Band with friends. But sometimes, on the go, you don’t really have the set up for a game like Guitar Hero. If you want a music-based gam...
I’m a sucker for a rhythm-based game. Ever since Parappa the Rapper, I’ve actively sought out games with a musical or rhythmic bent. Dance Dance Revolution, Guitar Hero, and yes, even Donkey Kong Jungle Beat…I lo...
Even if you have a small family, it can still be hard to juggle everyone’s schedule. Between soccer practice, drama club, debate team, family dinners, weddings, work schedules, out of town business meetings, and all the othe...
If you take a lot of prescription drugs or supplements, you may have a hard time keeping track of them. Sure, some of them are distinctive, but others look similar to multiple types of medicine. In addition, it can be hard to reme...
There are a ton of different options for people who want to read ePub and ebooks on their Mac. If you’re looking for something that isn’t attached to a single format, a lot of people opt for Calibre in my experience. B...
I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that the average person knows, at most, 4 or 5 types of knots. For most of us, the only time we need to know how to tie a knot is when we are lacing up a pair of sneakers or tying...
Owning your own small business can be a real nightmare. It’s so liberating, and so exciting…but come tax time, it’s also a major headache. if you need a hand with bookkeeping, tax deductions, or just making sure ...
In an era where privacy is getting harder and harder to find, an increasing number of tech fans are resorting to alternative tech tools to ensure that secret stuff stays secret. There’s been a big upturn in interest for VPN ...