France causes problems on Windows [Image]
Error 5086: France
Error 5086: France
According to Windows 8, this machine's My Computer (aka Computer) is "empty".
Do you tend to forget your passwords? Then you need 'Internet Password Minder', the one notebook you can use to "safely store passwords" and worry no more about "security and identity theft".
Come on, admit it -- how many people have done this before?
Bling-bling and MacBooks don't get along.
You can unsubscribe from most email newsletters from a link at the bottom of every email. Apparently this lady didn't know that. So she wrote a physical letter and sent it via snail-mail asking a company to stop sending her emails...
Windows Update is "189% complete".
Everyone should jump on this right now. Heck, at this price you should buy one for your dog, too.
...And I'm willing to bet this happens with most dotTechies, too.
Either this an intentional joke or an epic fail by Google.
Is it so hard for people to remember their own first and last name?
Every second Tuesday of every month Microsoft issues a bunch of patches for its products, including Windows. This is known as Patch Tuesday. For this this recent Patch Tuesday Microsoft issued a Windows Update for Windows 7, secur...
Targeted ads are typically considered undesirable. But sometimes they can provide a good laugh.
Is this one of the new BlackBerry features?
If you follow tech blogs, you may have read about Microsoft’s recent failed marketing attempts to promote its products such as Surface Pro and Ready to add another dumb Microsoft advertisement to the list? Look ...