“Well your daughter won’t be a teen mom” [Humor]
Humorous story of how a teenage girl accidentally gets her laptop infected with a nasty virus.
Humorous story of how a teenage girl accidentally gets her laptop infected with a nasty virus.
Pro tip: if your anti-virus warns you of a malicious file, you should probably listen unless you are 162% sure it is a false positive.
Android Device Manager launched last month with the ability to track or remotely wipe misplaced or stolen smartphones or tablets through the web. Now, Google has added the crucial functionality of being able to lock down your phon...
During the Linux Conference on September 9, 2013, top Linux developers including the granddaddy himself, Linus Torvalds, answered several questions related to Microsoft, Linux, and other projects. One question in particular touche...
One of the defining features of Apple’s latest iPhone is its fingerprint sensor. You can save up to five fingerprints that can be used to unlock your phone or pay for your purchases on Apple’s stores in lieu of a passw...
Germany’s Chaos Computer Club has apparently broken through the security on Apple’s Touch ID system. Touch ID was introduced along with the iPhone 5s as a means to secure and unlock your phone through the use of a fing...
I really hope that Ethernet wire connected to the laptop is not live. [via kyouteki]
While the NSA is busy taking a peek at what Brazil is up to, Chinese hackers are making a meal from hacking into American systems and getting away with it. According to a Symantec report, these hackers are not from the Chinese Mil...
Apple’s latest iPhones are almost here. But before the public gets their hands on the newest iPhones, reviewers from around the web have been using and testing the phones for more than a week. Right before we tell you what t...
Today Apple announced two new additions to the iPhone lineup: The colorful iPhone 5c and the “forward thinking” iPhone 5s. While the iPhone 5c featured a similar spec sheet to the iPhone 5, the 5s on the other hand is ...
My guess is the the password involves a 1, 7, 9, and 0.
Man works tech support for a local company, woman accuses him of infecting her netbook with virus just so she would have to pay him to fix it.
Unfortunately for the Tor Project, its massive influx of new users may not be due to a renewed interest in online privacy. According to Dutch security company Fox-IT, the big leap in Tor usage was actually due to cyber criminals u...
Concerned about privacy on your Android device? You’re in the right place! With this guide you’ll learn exactly how to encrypt the storage of your Android device. Doing this will allow you to feel a bit better if someo...
In the years to come, your car will likely be a full-blown computer running on either Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, or a yet-unknown contender. Even today, many cars are heavily computerized. This also means your precious lit...