Cloud storage industry is extremely competitive with very low barriers to entry. Really almost anyone can rent a server and start their own cloud storage company, if they wish. Because of this highly competitive nature, various cloud storage businesses are running promotions to get consumers hooked onto their service. Box – formerly known as and one of leading cloud storage providers – gives everyone who signs up for their service 5 GB of free cloud storage, with the option to purchase more space for anyone that needs it. Recently Box has introduced a promotion that allows people to get an extra 50 GB of cloud storage without paying a dime.
That is to stay a total of 55 GB of cloud storage for free. Update: The 50 GB replaces the 5 GB you already have. In other words, you get a total of 50 GB — not 55 GB.
This promotion for extra 50 GB free cloud storage is open to everyone that has a Box Personal account and owns an Android device, HP Touchpad, or BlackBerry Playbook. Sorry iOS device (iPhone/iPad) owners — the Box 50 GB promotion for iOS has already ended and is no longer available. Box Personal accounts are the free accounts that anyone can signup for via Box’s website. (Note: Box Personal accounts normally have a file size limit of 25 MB. However, anyone that takes part in this 50 GB promotion gets that file size limit increased to 100 MB.) The cool thing about this promotion is while, yes, you must have an Android device, HP Touchpad, or BlackBerry Playbook to get the free 50 GB, once you get the free 50 GB it is yours for life and can be used in anyway and from any platform that you wish — so you aren’t restricted to only using it on your mobile device.
This promotion is time-limited, so if you want the free 50 GB you need to act moderately quickly. When this promotion ends depends on the type of mobile device you have:
- Android phones and tablets: Now through 11:59PM on 3/23/12
- LG Android phones and tablets: Now through 6/30/12
- Sony Tablet S and Tablet P: Now through 12/31/12
- HP TouchPad: Now through 12/31/12
- RIM PlayBook: Now through 12/31/12
- Sony Ericsson Xperia phones: Now through 12/31/12
- Apple devices: This promotion has ended.
That said, to get the free 50 GB from Box, do the following:
- To take part in this promotion you need a Box Personal account. (Note: This promotion is for free Box Personal accounts only that can only be used for non-commercial purposes. Paid Box Personal accounts, Box Business, and Box Enterprise accounts cannot get the free 50 GB.) If you already have a free Box Personal account, skip to the next bullet point in this guide. If you don’t have a free Box Personal account, then create one. To create a Box Personal account visit the registration page and follow on-screen instructions. You will have to fill out a form and then confirm your registration by clicking on a link in an email that you are sent. Once you have verified your e-mail address (you will be shown a page that says Your email address is now verified), you are ready to proceed to the next step.
- Download and install the Box app for your specific mobile device (Android | Touchpad | Playbook).
- Log into your Box account from the Box app on your mobile device.
- After you have logged into your Box account you will get be shown a message similar to the following…
…and the storage limit on your free Box Personal account will automatically be increased from 5 GB to 50 GB. (The accompanying file size limit bump to 100 MB is part of the storage space increase package.)
- Enjoy!
If you have trouble getting 50 GB of free cloud storage from, post below and other dotTechies or I will try to help.
[Thanks PC basics!]